You Re In Good Hands With. in good hands definition managed or cared for with great attention Learn more.
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Starting with the idiom in the title if you say that someone is in good hands you mean they are being looked after or trained by someone skilled who can be trusted Like all parents I want to know that my child is in good hands.
You’re in good hands (Idioms with ‘hand’, Part 2) – About
Definition of in good hands in the care of a person or people who are able to take care of someone or something well It's a great school where you know your kids are in good hands I'm confident the shop will be in good hands with you in charge.
UW supporting customers through the UK energy crisis
You’re in good hands with UW during the current energy crisis 20 September 2021 We understand why recent media coverage of the UK energy market has many people worried But we’d like to reassure all our customers that we’re continuing to operate as normal and are protected from the pricing volatility many other providers are currently.
In good hands Definition & Meaning MerriamWebster
You’re In Good Hands With God “Leave it in God’s hands now Helen” I might have been angered by this adviceit sounded so trite But it was spoken by a man in his eighties whose faith I deeply admired and who had proven himself to be my good friend in many ways.
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IN GOOD HANDS meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
In good hands Idioms by The Free Dictionary
in good hands Being handled or cared for by a competent party in a position to be well cared for If Mike is your realtor you're definitely in good hands He's the best in the business Don't you worry your mother is in good hands with our team of nurses See also good hand.