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Efek CrossLinking Kabel XLPEManfaat Efek CrossLinkingStandar Dan KetentuanKonstruksi Kabel XLPEKabel XLPE XLPE adalah singkatan dari CrossLinked Polyethylene Kabelterisolasi bahanbahan sintestis seperti EPR (Ethylene Propylene Rubber) yang digunakan sebagai bahan pelindung kabel dalam berbagai tegangan Bahanpolyethylene memiliki sifat listrik yang baik terutama factor kehilangandielektrikayang rendah sehingga memberikan potensi untuk dipakai pada tegangany.
XLPE Land Cable Systems User´s Guide
Because of the increased toughness of XLPE the thicknesses of insulation are slightly reduced compared with PVC 33kV XLPE cable (photo credit openelectricalorg) The standard also covers cables with HEPR (hard ethylene propylene rubber) insulation but XLPE is the material most commonly used From 38kV up to 33kV XLPE and EPR insulated cables are.
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PDF fileXLPE insulated and halogenfree thermoplastic compound sheathed power and auxiliary fixed wiring cables for the supply of electrical energy Installations where fire and emissions of smoke and toxic fumes create a potential threat Not suitable for use in water CHARACTERISTICS Voltage Rating Uo/U 06/1kV Temperature Rating Fixed 40°C to +90°C Minimum Bending.