Cultural Studies Unimelb. The Screen and Cultural Studies program focuses on cultural texts sites and practices to explore cultures and screen media analysing their evolution politics social function and embedding in everyday life Academic staff in the Screen and Cultural Studies program are published writers industry professionals and leading researchers in the following areas.

Overview Screen and Cultural Studies is a combined program and students can specialise in either area The combined program covers the fields of film and popular media screen histories Australian Hollywood European and Asian cinemas everyday life television and entertainment film genres including avant garde and documentary computer games the Internet and the representation of global cultures.
Home — School of Culture and Communication Faculty of Arts
The Graduate Diploma in Arts (Advanced) in this area of specialisation requires one compulsory subject (125 points) thesis (50 points) elective subjects (375 points) Total 100 points Please note Students must enrol in the thesis SCRN40017 Screen & Cultural Studies Thesis Part 1 and SCRN40018 Screen & Cultural Studies Thesis Part 2 over two.
Screen and Cultural Studies : What will I study? The
Students completing a Major in Screen and Cultural Studies must complete One Level 1 Elective subject Arts Discovery 375 points of Level 2 Elective subjects 25 points of Level 3 Elective subject One Level 3 Compulsory Capstone subject Students completing a Minor in Screen and Cultural Studies must complete.
Screen and Cultural Studies The University of Melbourne
Overview Screen and Cultural Studies is a combined program and you can specialise in either area The combined program covers the fields of film and popular media Together these two fields cover areas such as global cinema histories film genres and computer games to the everyday life of popculture entertainment television internet and the representation of global cultures.
Graduate Research School Of Culture And Communication Faculty Of Arts
of Melbourne — The University Structure: Cultural Studies
Screen and Cultural Studies — The University of Melbourne
Screen and Cultural Studies Faculty of Arts
Associate Professor in Cultural Studies +61383445486 fmartin@unimelbeduau Dr Hannah McCann Research Fellow (Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award) +61383440630 hannahmccann@unimelbeduau Dr Una McIlvenna Hansen Senior Lectureship in History History Honours Coordinator +61383444774 unamcilvenna@unimelbeduau.